Schedule Analysis
Developing and maintaining a realistic and logical Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) is critical to enabling proper program planning and execution. The Augur team is comprised of experts at the development, sustainment, and analysis of schedules as well as evaluation of 3rd party vendor schedules.

Cost Analysis
Augur’s analysts follow a rigorous cost estimating process that enables leadership to make informed decisions regarding program planning and cost savings.
Our process begins with a thorough understanding of the program, its technical requirements, and risks. Depending on the maturity of the program, our estimators perform a series of estimating techniques including research of analogous programs, parametric analysis, and engineering build-ups.
While our team is experienced with a variety of estimating tools, we predominately use the ACEIT software suite. Our estimates account for all phases of the lifecycle and are well documented to effectively support acquisition milestone decision-making. Thorough documentation allows for independent reproducibility of the estimates and fully encapsulates inputs, assumptions, methodologies and risks.
Our analysts will provide continued support by quantifying the impact of cost excursions and should-cost initiatives as well as providing improved external reporting and an efficient program management process.
The cost analysis services provided by Augur include:
Lifecycle Cost Estimating (LCCE)
Independent Government Cost Estimates (IGCE)
Analysis of Alternatives (AoA)
Business Case Analysis (BCA)
Economic Analysis (EA)
Will-Cost / Should-Cost Analysis
Cost Estimating Relationship (CER) development
Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV) analysis / Affordability Analysis

Schedule Analysis
Augur’s schedule team ensures that all requirements, resources, and dependencies are captured appropriately, enabling efficient planning of all program activities and scope.
Our schedule analysts review each task for proper schedule logic, duration, and constraints. By constructing schedules that adhere to industry best practices, it is assured that the schedules are useful and capable of being used as programmatic tools.
A valid Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) allows leadership to track progress against a schedule baseline and evaluate schedule mitigation options in order to maintain schedule objectives. Through critical path analysis, analysts are able to inform decision makers of potential risk areas and schedule drivers. Early identification of schedule inefficiencies allows program managers to plan more effectively and allocate resources to key tasks.
The schedule analysis services provided by Augur include:
Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Development
Schedule Training for Government Personnel
Critical Path Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Schedule Health Assessment
Schedule Risk Analysis (SRA)
Earned Value Management (EVM) Application
Schedule Driver Analysis
Lituus Schedule Analyzer:
Augur independently developed the specialized Lituus Schedule Analyzer, a part of a suite of analytical software tools. The Lituus Schedule Analyzer is Microsoft compatible, and is capable of efficiently and effectively assessing integrated master schedule files uploaded from separate software programs. The tool rapidly provides our analysts and clients with metrics and pertinent information regarding the quality of schedule construction in accordance with DCMA assessments, adherence to best practices as identified by the GAO Schedule Assessment Guide, and execution performance per National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) guidelines.

Performance Management
Augur Consulting has a team made up of experts in managing vendor performance on behalf of government program. We ensure that program baselines are executable and measurable. Augur can conduct, lead, or train the government on how to perform a proper baseline event. This process can be implemented on Agile projects, medium sized efforts, and large investments requiring EVM. Augur can perform baseline events, audits, surveillance, and analysis/management of vendor performance. We often conduct training events to improve the government's ability to conduct a baseline event such as IBRs. Augur has no OCIs and can participate in source selection, contract negotiations, and other related programmatic support.
Augur's leadership is comprised of Certified Earned Value Professionals (EVP), and our staff has a variety of traditional EVM experience, agile performance management, and other ad hoc methods to evaluate vendor performance and ensure tax dollars are executed efficiently

Data Analytics & Visualization
In order for program leadership to make informed decisions, data must be in a form that is meaningful and understandable. Key takeaways are made possible through data analysis and visualization tools including the use of PowerBI, Tableau, R, JACS, PO$T, CO$TAT, and LITUUS. Data analysis is the fundamental underpinning that enables program managers to make informed decisions surrounding cost, schedule, vendor performance and other ad-hoc decision support.
Analytic and Visualizations include:
Performance Dashboards
Schedule Health Assessments
Cumulative Cost Uncertainty
Statistical CER Development
Joint Cost and Schedule Risk Statistics
Software Utilization Tracking
Business Workflow Analysis
System Failure, Maintenance, and Repair Data
Investment, Divestment, Breakeven Analysis